Go-RFID — asset identification and control system

Industry/Technology: technologies, Digitalization

Region – Europe

Founded: 2016

Technology: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Digitalization

Industry: Asset Management, Industrial Automation

Problem solving

The hardware and software complex Go-RFID is designed for automated identification and digital certification, accounting and inventory, and tracking of industrial assets. The information is read from RFID tags at a distance and transmitted to the accounting system via an RFID reader or tablet.

How it works:

  • Works on the basis of RFID.
  • Set of modules and a set of specialized clients.
  • The data is stored on the user's server.
  • Provides differentiation of data access for different groups of users.


  • Complex RFID solution, availability of a web client and mobile application
  • 75% reduction in time for operations and reduction in shortages and thefts at the enterprise


  • Received a grant of $65000 from Skolkovo Foundation
  • Participation in the Gazpromneft 2021 technology accelerator
  • Participation in the Industrix 2022 competition