Building A Circular Ecosystem

Focus Area: Next Generation Ports


PSA Singapore has implemented various strategies, such as electrifying cranes and using low-carbon fuel trucks, to reduce carbon emissions within the port, targeting Scope 1 and 2 emissions. However, waste from operational activities significantly contributes to Scope 3 emissions. These wastes are often contaminated or made of composite materials that are difficult to recycle, and feedstock fluctuations hinder the adoption of advanced recycling technology. How can we develop closed-loop systems for collecting, cleaning, and recycling waste (e.g., used cotton gloves, rugs, and mooring ropes)?


  • Contamination: Cotton gloves and rugs used in maintenance can become heavily contaminated with substances like soot, grease, and industrial oils, complicating the recycling process.
  • Composite Materials: Many items are made of composite materials, requiring advanced recycling plants equipped with sophisticated technology.
  • Feedstock Supply: Even with advanced recycling technology, maintaining a consistent supply of specific feedstock is challenging, making operations economically viable.

Market Potential

  • Applicable to all port operations generating similar types of waste.
  • Potential for scalability to other ports and industrial sectors facing similar waste management challenges.

Current Efforts

  • Promotion of proper usage and handling practices of cotton gloves and rugs to reduce contamination and extend their lifespan without compromising hygiene standards.

Solution Criteria

  • Should not adversely impact the current equipment maintenance regime.
  • Must retain useful properties such as breathability, comfort, and absorbency for alternative cotton products.

Potential Solutions

  • Collaboration Platform: Facilitate matching and collaboration among stakeholders, including suppliers, waste management companies, and recycling facilities.
  • Alternative Materials: Develop cotton products made from materials that are easier to clean and less prone to contamination.
  • Recycling Technologies: Invest in technologies that can valorize contaminated cotton and composite materials.
  • Feedstock Management: Create a platform to consolidate and channel feedstock to recyclers, ensuring a consistent supply.

These solutions will help create a circular ecosystem, reducing waste and Scope 3 emissions, and promoting sustainable port operations.