Enhancing Connectivity For Digital Port Services

Focus Area: Next Generation Ports


Harbourcraft operators and ship personnel often encounter intermittent or unreliable internet connectivity when providing digitally enabled services to ships, particularly in anchorages farther out at sea. This challenge also affects receiving vessels, which might have limited Internet connectivity. How can we overcome these connectivity issues to ensure effective digital services in port waters?


  • MPA is advocating for digitalization initiatives to boost efficiency, transparency, and crew safety.
  • Financial transactions in anchorages can involve significant sums, potentially millions of dollars.
  • Disruptions in digital transactions can severely impact operational effectiveness.
  • Connectivity issues between large vessels and smaller vessels like harbourcraft can cause operational inefficiencies.

Market Potential

  • Applicable to all harbourcraft operating in Singapore waters.
  • Solutions can be tested in Singapore port waters and potentially scaled to other ports globally.

Current Efforts

  • M1, with support from MPA and IMDA, is establishing maritime 5G base stations, but this may not resolve all connectivity issues between harbourcraft and large ships.

Solution Criteria

  • Must provide stable broadband connectivity equivalent to 4G data rates.
  • Should fit within the spatial constraints of vessels if the solution involves hardware.

Potential Solutions

  1. Enhanced Internet Connectivity Technologies:

    • Marinized and Ruggedized Solutions: Develop technology specifically designed for harsh maritime environments to ensure reliability and durability.
    • High-Reliability Devices: Ensure consistent and stable connectivity even in challenging conditions.
  2. Edge Devices for Data Management:

    • Data Compression/Decompression: Use edge devices to manage data efficiently, reducing the load on the network.
    • Offline Transaction/Authentication: Enable offline capabilities for critical operations, ensuring continuous functionality even during connectivity issues.
  3. Portable WIFI Solutions:

    • Maritime-Specific WIFI: Develop portable WIFI systems suitable for maritime applications to provide flexible and reliable connectivity solutions.

By implementing these solutions, we can significantly improve the connectivity for digital port services, enhancing operational efficiency, transparency, and safety in port waters.