Improving Autonomous Truck Performance

Focus Area: Next Generation Ports


PSA Corporation Limited (PSA Singapore) has initiated several automation projects, including using autonomous trucks for container movements to improve port efficiency. These trucks operate outdoors 24/7 and face performance disruptions due to inclement weather. How can the operational performance of autonomous trucks be improved in such conditions?


  • Sensor Interference: Heavy rain can disrupt sensors like lidar and cameras, crucial for AV perception and decision-making.
  • Noise and Obstruction: Raindrops can create sensor noise or obscure surroundings, reducing sensor accuracy and potentially causing the vehicle to stop or deviate.
  • Reflections: Water reflections on the ground can hinder sensor perception.
  • Occlusion: Camera and vision-based sensors might be occluded during heavy rain, impacting their effectiveness.

Market Potential

  • The market includes other AV deployments in the logistics sector facing similar constraints due to weather conditions.

Current Efforts

  • Sensor Fusion: Utilizing various sensor inputs to improve perception accuracy.
  • Software Filtering/De-noising: Implementing software solutions to minimize the impact of rain.

Solution Criteria

  • Performance Matching: Must enhance AV performance to match human driver capabilities under similar weather conditions.
  • Compatibility: Should be agnostic to existing AV architectures and brands, allowing integration with multiple vendor systems.
  • No Performance Degradation: Must not negatively impact the performance of existing AV solutions.

Potential Solutions

  • Software or hardware that can augment existing sensors

By addressing these aspects, we can significantly improve the performance and reliability of autonomous trucks in port environments, ensuring continuous and efficient operations regardless of weather conditions.